Sunday, September 27, 2009

Raya Diary

Prior to Raya Day...
Frappe went to Queensbay..Frappe bought some stuff for Eid.
Frappe bought lemangs..
Frappe enjoyed making ketupat palas with mum and makciks.
Raya Day...
Frappe went to Kampong's mosque..
Mosque was crowded as usual..Baju raya? Frappe had a chance to wear baju indon he bought a few years back..No baju melayu for Frappe..
Frappe visited his grandpa & grandma grave. Frappe was the 1st person arrived..
Lunch time, Frappe ate rice for Raya day..
Frappe just stayed at home. Frappe's relative were all back to Kampong..
Frappe slept for England!!!!..
Raya Day 2...
Bihun Sup day!!!!...
Raya Day 3...
Frappe could not stayed at home anymore..Frappe went to his friend's house. Definitely open house..
Raya Day 4..
Frappe went to Gurney Plaza Penang..Met a few friends..Frappe watched G-Force @ GSC Gurney..Good movie..Frappe was surrounded by kids..
Frappe enjoyed ikan bakar @ Hammer Bay..
Raya Day 5..
Open house again..and also kenduri kawen @ neigbour's house.
Raya Day 6..
Frappe started 1st day work after raya..
Frappe lost his sandal..was stolen..huhuhuh....sentapan all day long..
Raya Day 7..
No more raya...No more ppl..
eh...have one more open house..
Hot hot hot hot dayyyyyyy....warm warm warm dayyyyyyy..

------------->ikan kering dikeringkan depan umah makcik aku...byknya lalat!!


K i a H R o N g G e n G said...

wahhh speaking london for eid entry nokz

frappe_crush said...

byk sangat makan almond london kot..hiks..tak dak la, teringat nak buat report kat opis..terus buat version omputeh light2..keekek

Anonymous said...

ooo..lenkali raya ke 2 la aku gi area kulim tu ek..ada menu bihun sup, ke dah tukar taun depan..ekekek


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!